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Name & job title?
Rocky the Raccoon, Mascot of the People! ..seasonal Mascot for the Shamrocks.
Lacrosse hero? Why?
Kevin Alexander- cause he is the Gretzky of Lacrosse is why! Also lesser known Rosco Raccoon, from the All Forrest Sr. Critters – he got the moves like Jagger!
What are you looking forward to most this season?
Seeing my old pals at our Barn, all the Kids on Minor Lacrosse night, but mostly to deliver crushing defeats to a certain team with a very yummy fish on their Jerseys’
Favorite Quote?
Stay Calm and Shamrock On!”
Favourite sports song?
Who let the Dogs Out!.. wait, call the dog back, nooooo!
Second favourite sport?
Our Second National sport… Hockey of Course (take that Marty!)
Favourite team? (other than Victoria!)
No Comment. I bleed only Green.
Favourite lacrosse memory?
2005 as a little Raccoon I watched the Mann Cup lifted at Bear Mountain Arena – HOME TURF!
If you could participate in any event in lacrosse history, what would it be? Why?
Mascotting in ALL 17 of the Shamrocks Mann Cup appearances –that’d be the pinnacle of Mascotting!
How do you spend your time away from the arena?
Stay busy advocating Raccoon road safety all over the Island, but stay fit competing and elite Xtreme Dumpster Diving league…I’m kinda a big deal in those circles.